L.C. Smith Production Records
by James Stubbendieck (2013)
Blue Book Publications, Minneapolis, MN
Each grade of L.C. Smith shotgun is described and illustrated. Databases containing the records of 528,980 L.C. Smith shotguns made by the Hunter Arms Company and L.C. Smith Gun Company (Marlin) were used to create tables for each grade of side lock, box lock, hammer, and single barrel trap shotguns. Tables reveal the definitive number made in each grade, gauge, barrel length, and option, as well as the number made each year. Special sections are devoted to the L.C. Smith .410s, 8 gauges, 28 gauge, Long Range/Wild Fowl, and military shotguns. You can purchase this directly from James Stubbendieck by sending a check in the amount of $35.00 to 7651 Kennelley Drive, LincoIn, NE 68516.

L.C. Smith: The Legend Lives
by John Houchins (2006)
Jostens, Winston-Salem, NC
This book covers the entire history (1880-1971) of the production of L.C. Smith shotguns. Included is an in-depth analysis of all the different types and grades of L.C. Smith shotguns. It contains 700 pages with over 550 detailed color photographs and illustrations. Included is information on production and serial numbers, the anatomy and mechanical features, catalogs and promotional items, and a complete set of patents.

L.C. Smith Shotguns
by William S. Brophy (1977, 1983 and 2006).
The Gun Room Press, 127 Raritan Avenue, Highland Park, NJ 08904.
This classic book covers the history of ownership of the company and features the various grades. Much of the information for this book was obtained from product catalogs, and it contains numerous photographs and drawings. Lt. Col. Brophy tried to explain the complicated and confusing record of serial numbers. L.C. Smith Shotguns. It frequently is found at gun shows and appears regularly on http://www.amazon.com and similar sites or it may be purchased from the Gun Room Press.
Plans & Specifications of the L.C. Smith Shotgun by William S. Brophy (1981).
F. Brownell & Son, Montezuma IA 50171.
This book brings together the drawings measurements, engineering specifications, and technical data for L.C. Smith shotguns. Other features are a brief history of the companies manufacturing the shotguns, production figures, and serial numbers. This book is out of print, and its availability on the internet is limited.
The Hunter Arms and the L.C. Smith Gun
Second Edition (2005)
by Rich Beyer, 1560 Co. Rt. 4, Central Square, NY 13036.
This 114-page, personally published booklet contains information gathered by Rich Beyer over a period of many years. He acquired some of the information by interviewing the few surviving employees of the Gun Works. It includes photographs of Hunter Arms Company employees, memorabilia, and advertising. The second edition is expanded from the original 80 pages to 114 pages. It includes subjects and photographs not in the original edition. It is available on ebay or from Dolph Beyer.
The Life and Times of Fred Kimble
by John N. Davis (2005). Old Mountain Press, 2542 S. Edgewood Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28303.
From the golden age of shotguns and waterfowling comes the story of one of its most fascinating characters, Fred Kimble. It is a must read for any duck hunting or trap shooting enthusiast. This is the story of Kimble and the grand times in which he lived as revealed by the contemporary accounts of his life. The book is available at: http://www.oldmp.com/fredkimble/
Modern Shotguns and Loads (1929) by Captain Charles Askins, Small-Arms Technical Publishing Company, Marshallton, DE.
Askins discusses the Smith roatary crossbolt and other mechanisms. Illustrations of L.C. Smith shotguns are included.
Shotguns (1950) by Elmer Keith. Stackpole & Heck, Harrisburg, PA.
L.C. Smith shotguns are presented in the chapter on double guns and mentioned a number of times in the book. A few L.C. Smith shotguns are illustrated. This book provides entertaining reading and a lot of personal opinion from one of the best firearms writers in history.
The Shotgun Book (1973) by Jack O’Conner, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY.
O’Connor talks about touring the manufacturing plant at an earlier time in this reprinted book. He expresses concern about the future of the company because of the age of the craftsmen.
The Golden Age of Shotguns (1971) by Bob Hindman, Winchester Press, New York, NY.
The L.C. Smith shotgun is mentioned in several places, and copies of original advertisements are reproduced near the back of this out of print book.
Gunsmithing by Roy F. Dunlap (1950), Samworth, Small-Arms Technical Publishing Company, Georgetown, SC.
This out of print book contains a brief section on repairs for L.C. Smith shotguns. He said that the lock seldom gives trouble because the springs and sears were made of the best steel. The most common mechanical failure is said to be broken firing pins, and the top lever spring is the only spring liable to break.
Best Guns by Michael McIntosh (1999), Countrysport Press,
Craig Industrial Park, Building 16, Selma, AL 36701.
McIntosh included a 14-page chapter on the L.C. Smith shotgun. He discusses the history and the various owners of the company. The chapter contains several illustrations of L.C. Smith shotguns. This important book should be on the shelf of every collector of fine shotguns.
Illustrated Firearms Assembly Handbook, Volume 2 (1964), National Rifle Association,
11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030.
Illustration on page 92 shows the assembly and disassembly of the L.C. Smith shotguns.
The American Single Barrel Trap Gun (1989) by Frank Conley
Conley discusses most of the American single barrel trap guns and has a chapter on L.C. Smith guns. He includes close-up photographs and reprinted pages from some of the old catelogs.
A Rebounding Lock for the Side-Hammer Gun (1994) by Louis S. Cherepy. Sr., Museum Restoration Service, Alexandria, NY 13607-0070.
This book contains drawings and information about the Alex T. Brown and William H. Baker patents covering sidelock actions.
New York State Gunmakers, A Partial Checklist (1951) by Holman J. Swinny, The Freeman's Journal Press, Cooperstown, NY.
L.C. Smith of Syracuse and Fulton are included in the listings with information about the Baker Three-barrel gun and L.C. Smith shotguns. The information about ownership and years of ownership is somewhat confusing. For example, the Hunter Arms Company is not listed.